Read, Part Through, To Be, New…

A new pile, a cut above the old, both merged, size matters, trouble is Mr McCartney I kept dipping in, book shelves rearranged, well the ones to hand, the read, the part through, the to be, the new, now all equally within reach, all bought for a reason, some I remember, some I haven’t a clue, yes I do, titles on past present lists, interest piqued through online and newspaper reviews – and some because I know you!

And what about my Kindle, well I once had one, an early one at that, gave it to my youngest grandson, he’s into retro, got most of my old gadgets, thinks it cool I had them when expensive and new, though I wish he wouldn’t keep asking ‘How old are you Grandad’ as if I underestimate my age! Anyway we both got Amazon Fire’s for Christmas and as if by magic (grandson explained the logic, he’s eleven by the way) all our e-books appeared on the pre-loaded Kindle app. Now I shudder to tell you, and in truth I wont, how many titles on there, the read, the part through, the to be and the new… that’s the thing with piles, once you have them they kind of stay with you!


This oddity written as my response to Diana’s Writing Challenge – The TBR Pile